About Us

Contour Consult Limited (Contour) is a Human Resource and Organisational Development Consultancy firm that was incorporated in Uganda 2017.

Contour was established after realising that there is need to create shareholder value through strategic management of people.

Contour works with companies/organisations to help them achieve optimum return on human capital and organisation design this leads to improvement in human resource efficiency and increase in revenues over time.

Our target market is the Financial Services Sector, Water and Environment Sector, Energy Sector, Non-Government Organisations Development sector) as well as manufacturing.


To create value for organisations through people with in the African region.


Provision of strategic human resource and organisational development solutions tailored to client current and future needs.


Value addition, lasting partnerships & sustainability

Founders & Management

Joyce Nakalema is an Organizational Psychologist with 16 years of experience in consulting and practice regarding Human Resource and Organizational Development. She is a business leader and holds a Master of Organisational Pyschology.

She works with organisations to help them achieve optimum return on Human Capital this leads to improvement in human resource efficiency and increase in revenues or reduction in losses over time.

She is interested in seeing companies and organisations transform through strategic human resource management more so on the African continent.

Joyce has worked with PILA, Finance Trust Bank, Eskom Uganda, Ecobank, FINCA and GFA Consulting. She has worked with the private sector, non-government and public organizations.

Joyce Nakalema
Founder of Contour

Founders & Management

Anne is a Civil Engineer with 15 years working experience in Water Supply Services. Anne holds a Master of Science in Environmental Sanitation from Ghent University and is a NEBOSH Certified Health and Safety Practioner.

Anne is the National Advisor and Water Utility Expert on a Water and Sanitation Programme in Refugee Settlements and Host Communities in Northern Uganda. She has worked with National Water and Sewerage Corporation, Vitens Evides International, SGI Ingegneria and GFA Consulting.

Anne is a mentor with Girls for Girls Program.

Anne Namakula Serunjogi
Civil Engineer

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