Human Resource Advisory
Value Creation through People

Human Resource Audits

Human Resource Audits

Human Resource Audits are important because they highlight the areas of strength as well as development regarding the management of the human resource. The Human resource audit takes into account the compliance to best practice and legislature. Additionally the risks that the organisation faces in terms of the people as well as human resource management practices are noted in order to mitigate loss in the short and long run. The human resource audit comes in handy during the due deligence at mergers and aquisitions.

At Contour we undertake human resource audits upon a holistic review of the organisation through organisational assessment this enables the understanding of the context in which the human resource is managed organisational assessment looks at the maturity of various aspects in relation to the strategy. Upon understanding the organisation the human resource enabling structures eg human resource information systems, organisational structures, human resource policy, and processes eg reward systems, performance management systems etc are then audited against best practice and legislature compliance. Lastly the leadership is assessed at individual and as a collective team. The leadership is then provided with the required coaching to lead the teams.

Occupational Health & Safety

Occupational Health & Safety

Occupational Health and Safety is important at the workplace to enable the employees keep fit and healthy so that they are in position to be productive. In case health and safety interventions are not undertaken there will high costs due to compensation and treatment of the employee, loss of skilled labour, reduced productivity and increased risk to business reputation.

Occupational Health and Safety has continued to evolve from the onset of Industrial Revolution to the present day. We recognize that the priorities and expectations for Workers’ safety keep evolving as well.

We support your company to set up Key Element of a Health and Safety Management System. We support you to understand the range of workplace hazards and techniques through Company Targeted Risk Assessments within the Regulatory Framework provided by Government of Uganda or any other jurisdiction.

We can support you to set up a holistic multidisciplinary management of Health and Safety. We support your company to set up Safe Systems of Work, trigger corporate behavior change that reinforces Health and Safety. We support the companies to set up health and safety performance systems, monitor and review the health and safety performance.

Talent Management

Talent Management

Talent management is the systematic attraction, identification, development, engagement, retention and deployment of those individuals who are of high value to an organization, either in view of their ‘high potential’ for the future operations or because they are fulfilling business/operation-critical roles.

Talent management is a business strategy which must be integrated within all of the employee-related processes of the organization. Talent management enables business continuity through people. Whereas attracting and retaining talented employees in a talent management system is the job of every member of the organization, more so few team leaders fully grasp how to manage talent thus the need for support from an external professional party. At Contour talent management is one of the services we provide.

We provide advisory services regarding alignment of staff to company-wide and short term to long term strategic plans. The advisory services entail linking talent management to a number of staff management processes such as talent acquisition, talent development and retention. The talent management frame works take into account staff recognition, reward systems, job design, staff development and succession management and relationship management. Additionally we equip the management teams to identify talent and consequently develop and implement frame works.

Contour enables the client to manage talent with consistent success over time because the talent management frameworks are developed from the diagnostics arising out the understanding of the clients’ businesses holistically in terms of the strategy, emergent risks as well as using organizational assessments. The developed talent management frameworks once implemented are able to solve a number of business needs over time.

In order to support the talent management framework Contour conducts a number of assessments for individuals to establish the areas of strength to succeed in the proposed roles and enable the organization work on the individuals’ development areas.



As the world undergoes a lot of changes, some staff are not in position to cope with the changes at the same pace as the changes happen and with time they start struggle to a buildup of stress arising out the stress. The stress could be related to work or personal issues outside work. It has been noted that when the staff are stressed their performance at work goes down, and some times the relationships with coworkers get strained as well.

In order to enable the staff deal with the stress before its effects become irreversible they are subjected to counseling which could be delivered through an Employee Assistance Program or by an individual counsellor. In some incidences the staff are empowered to get solutions to the various challenges in their lives.

Once the staff go through counselling the employer experiences improved employee performance, decreased absenteeism, reduced turn over and improved relationships among staff.

At Contour we provide Employee Assistance Program services to employers for their staff as well as conducting counseling for staff depending upon the changes that are happening at the workplace as well as outside the organization.

We are in position to provide counseling to the staff having understood the staff in totality through a number of assessments to establish the source of stress and thus support the staff to work through the challenges using problem solving tools.

Human Resource Contracting & Outsourcing

Human Resource Contracting & Outsourcing

Human resources outsourcing involves hiring companies to manage human resource processes on their behalf. This enables the organisations to focus on their core business and over time manage costs. It has been noted that most small and medium enterprises in Uganda are not able to afford the services of professional human resource practitioners.

Contour offers human resource services to the organisations. The services include running all the human resource department functions onsite or off site. The functions include recruitment, training, performance management. Additionally we provide staff to run the human resource functions in case the client has an emergency.

We have a team of seasoned human resource practitioners who have worked across a number of sectors to fill the gap. They are well versed with the Ugandan business land scape as well as managing risks.

Learning & Development

Learning & Development

Learning and development is meant to align employee goals and performance with that of the organization. It involves identification of skill gaps among employees and functional teams for which learning interventions are designed and consequently closed.

We partner with clients to ensure that learning and development is embraced as an enhancement of business continuous learning and aligned to the dynamics of the business changes. We link learning and development to strategy through creation of human resource development plans with the clients based on best practice.
Our approach to learning and development is that the learning and development solutions should enable the individuals and organisations to navigate the challenges posed by the environment in which they operate. Based on this approach we work with the organisations to design organisation specific solutions.

We have worked with institutions to set up the capacity development strategies, plans as well as monitoring of the implementation of the capacity development plans. Our client in the recent past is the Ministry of Water and Environment Government of Uganda.



Recruitment is the process of finding and hiring the best and most qualified candidate for a job opening using a number of tools, in a timely and cost-effective manner. It begins with identification of the needs of the company with respect to the job, and ends with the introduction of the employee to the organization.

At Contour our main objective is to get the best candidate for the job as well as the most suitable person in terms of job and organization fit. We undertake a number of steps to achieve this as highlighted: strategy review, job analysis, sourcing options, application of screening tools and final selection.

Contour is your partner during your company’s recruitment engagements because we have the ability to understand our clients’ needs and match them against the business land scape and mitigate risk at the same time.

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