Organisational Development
Value Creation through People
Organisational Development
Value Creation through People

Organizational Development

Organizational Development (OD) is a science based on the practice of planned, systemic change in the beliefs, attitudes and values of employees for individual and company growth. The purpose of OD is to enable organizations to become more effective to better respond and adapt to industry/market changes and technological advances. Broadly organizational development applies to changes in strategy, structure, and/or processes. OD is holistic in that the focused system approach that looks at a number of aspects within the organization. OD strengthens the organization to remain relevant thus enabling its continuity.
Engagement of OD interventions leads to continuous improvement, increased communication, staff development, increased profits as well as product or service enhancement.

At Contour we undertake number of organizational development interventions which are delivered upon through a series of 7 steps that is;

  • Contracting which involves observing an opportunity for improvement;
  • Diagnostics deals with using a number of tools to understand the problems or areas that need improvement;
  • Data collection and analysis deals with collecting the data to ascertain the cause of the problem;
  • Feedback deals with giving information the client in line with the observations made out of the data;
  • Designing interventions;
  • Leading and managing change or execution of the designed intervention as well as evaluation of the success of the intervention.

Utility Management

Utility Management

As part of our institutional development framework, Contour has invested considerable time into supporting the water sector in Uganda. We have looked into enhancing the capabilities with in the water sector. We recognize that water is vital for the growth of cities as well as communities. We work with utilities to ensure that the water supply services are reliable, efficient and sustainable. We support utilities to realize business continuity through process efficiency and sustainable use of resources. We grow utilities by making them team literate.

We support utilities to be future fit for internet, this involves preparing the staff for change, development of the communication protocols, customer engagement on social media and other emergent platforms. We also advance leadership in utilities through team coaching thus enabling the utilities to become future fit. Our teams have considerable expertise about energy and water utilities which enables them to support the big as well as small utilities seamlessly. We work through strategy to operational support as well as management of risk.

Organisational Design

Organisational Design

Organizational design is a systematic process of identification of dysfunctional elements in the organisation such as processes, work flows, procedures, structures and systems and then realigning them to fit current business realities/goals arising of the business context and then developing plans to implement the new changes. Organisation design focuses on improving the relationship between the core business, people and technology.

The aim of organisational design is to improve upon organisational effectiveness and efficiency, internal operations, business expansion and consequently the bottom line in form of profitability. Organisational design fosters the alignment of the organisation to strategy.

Our approach to organisational design involves conducting organisational assessment to confirm the effectiveness of the adaptability to the external environment, businesses processes, structures and system, plan the design process,design the new organization which involves deciding the organisation principle, core business alignment, development of enabling structures, allocation of resources and finally execution of the design. Once the new organisation is working post design support is offered through assessment of the new design over time.

Our approach gives the client an opportunity to understand and lay strategies for their businesses seamlessly. We use a number of tools that enables to create clarity in the business.

Team Coaching

Team Coaching

Contour Consult SMC Ltd carries out Team Coaching for Business Entities. We are coaches precisely because we recognize that change is best supported through a relationship over time (Thornton, 2016).
Team Coaching is a product of the Enterprise Risk Management of Contour Consult SMC Ltd that aims to ensure that a team to improves its performance, functioning, well-being, engagement and development in order to sustain and preserve stakeholder value.

Our coaching services include:
Creating High Value Teams

We assist the Team Leader to diagnose the health of the team and we collaboratively curate solutions that will ensure team effectiveness for business continuity and sustainability.

Team Coaching Sessions

We conduct coaching sessions with the team holistically so that the team can achieve its purpose.

Maintaining High Value Teams

We also coach the Team Leader to become a Team Coach so that they create high value teams. This is especially useful for new Team Leaders. This is done by ensuring that the team leader has the awareness of the team’s journey and incrementally transforms the performance of the team using the approaches we use during Team Coaching Sessions.

Human Resource Process Interventions

Human Resource Process Interventions

Human process interventions the interventions that relate to interpersonal relations, group, and organizational dynamics.

Individual interventions. These focus on the individual and are aimed at improving communication with others. The individual is coached to change behavior that is counter-productive.

Group interventions. These interventions are aimed at the process, content, or structure of the group. Process relates to the group’s internal processes. Content relates to what the group works on. Structure relates to recurring methods it uses to reach tasks and deal with external issues.

Third-party interventions. Third-party interventions are used to empower the people deal with conflicts productively.

Organizational confrontation meetings. The confrontation meetings are aimed at identifying problems, setting priorities and action targets, and begin working on identified problems organization-wide.

Intergroup relations interventions. These interventions are aimed at diagnosing and understanding intergroup relations. Similarly, problems are identified, priorities and action targets set, before working on the identified problems.

Large-group interventions. The aim is to bring a large number of organization members and other stakeholders together to identify and organize members together to identify and resolve organization-wide problems, to design new approaches to structuring and managing the firm, or to propose future directions of the organization.

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